
Name: Betsy

Nationality: American

Profession: Innovation Process & Project Portfolio Manager (ie: IT Management).

Kids: One clever, school-aged boy.

Current City of Residence: Munich

Place of Origin: Ohio

Places I have traveled: Extensively in Europe and North America.

Sports: Pilates, Zumba, Running, Does going to the gym and using machines count as a sport?

Focus: Staying active.

Favorite Discipline: Depends on the season, I don’t run in the winter, but give me a sunny day and I’m all over it.. Pilates is the one I’ve done the longest, but zumba never fails to bring a smile to my face.

Recent Races: Munich Marathon.

Hardest part of being a Momlete: I know that being a Momlete is objectively a hard task, between the physical effort, the time, the scheduling and the costs. I am incredibly lucky that my family kicks me in the butt to go workout and doesn’t guilt me about the time or cost of any of my activities.  They know that doing a workout puts me in a better mood, the lost time is made up for with higher quality time when I’m done, so it’s a trade off. Plus when I’m up early for a run, I get to sit with my son and drink a coffee before the rest of the house is up, and occasionally my son will even drag himself away from his electronics long enough to go out on the run with me.

PR: um, I have never finished last place in a race …

Favorite city to run: Cincinnati, specifically the loveland bike trail. It’s so shady and cool even on the hottest days of summer. Can get in a good 7 miles without crossing any busy streets, so its easy to get into a nice rhythm.

Favorite quote: “Work hard but have fun doing it. Life is too short not to have fun the whole time.” - My grandpa.

Most surprising thing people don’t know about you: I was never athletic as a child, I only got into fitness in my late 20s and only into running after having my son.